Nominate Eyes on Broadway for Best of Portland!

It’s time for nominations for the “Best of Willamette Week Reader’s Poll” (and it would be great if you nominated us).

The nominations run through April 30th and - the voting begins May 1st .

This is the nomination portion that gets us on the ballot. we will post another notice here on the blog once the voting begins. Here is a link that allows you to nominate Eyes on Broadway for the “The Best Eyewear Shop”. LINK FOR NOMINATION

Once you’re on the page, enter Eyes on Broadway. You may have to log in to do the nomination, and the easiest is to just link your Google account (if you have one). If not, any email can be used to create an account that allows you to nominate not just Eyes on Broadway for ‘Best Eyewear Shop,’ but you can add nominations (and later votes) for multiple other businesses in different, competing categories (e.g. Best Florist, Best Auto Repair Shop, etc.).


Please share this link with friends, family, patients, etc. We want to win again!

Dan Meyers