We've Won it Again! The 2024 WW Reader's Poll!

We’ve done it again, and we owe this incredible accolade to our outstanding customers and dedicated staff. Eyes on Broadway has won the Willamette Week Reader’s Poll for Best Eyewear Shop once more, marking our ninth (nearly consecutive) victory! We're beyond grateful for this recognition. In a world where everyone seeks the best care and value, we consistently deliver both, helping us stay at the top. Thank you, dear customers, for your unwavering support and for casting your vote in our favor!

Take a look at the winner’s page where we appear here (in goods and services)

Check out our winning page here! (scroll down to “Best Eyewear Shop”)
Check out the full list of winners here! (check out all of the winners across multiple categories)

Thank you again! And please reach out to us with any thoughts on how we can even further improve!

Dan Meyers