March is Workplace Vision Wellness Month!
So we are into March already! 2017 is flying by and everyone is back and working hard. That said, March has been dubbed "Workplace Vision Wellness Month" by Prevent Blindness America, a group that offers many great ideas and motivating statistics that will get the attention of both management and employees alike. In fact, try these facts for starters (courtesy of Prevent Blindness America): [su_quote]50,000 Americans lose their eyesight each year and over 1 million people in the U.S. over the age of 40 are blind. More than 2,000 people injure their eyes at work each day, with one in 10 injuries requiring one or more missed workdays for recovery. Of the total amount of work-related injuries, 10-20% will cause temporary or permanent vision loss. Experts believe that the right eye protection could have lessened the severity or even prevented 90% of eye injuries in accidents. Other eye issues develop into impairment and blindness if left untreated.[/su_quote]
So, we too are pushing awareness and prevention here at Eyes on Broadway. In fact, one of our esteemed Dr.'s was actually interviewed and quoted in an article covering this great initiative. See the link below to the article from Graphic Products, which features EOB's Dr. Lindy Thomas. Dr. Thomas enjoys working with patients to get to know them in order to obtain their best vision and ocular health possible. She is proficient in full scope primary care optometry, contact lenses, pediatric optometry, treatment of ocular disease, and the co-management of Lasik and cataract surgery.
Here is the link to the larger article on the March initiative covering Workplace Vision Wellness. The article provides much greater detail on workplace eyesight awareness and accident prevention. I think you will find this an important and informative read!
Of course, aside from eye/vision-related accidents that can occur both at and away from work, one of the biggest keys to sustained eye health is having your eyes properly examined and an up-to-date prescription followed. For that, we can certainly help you here at Eyes on Broadway.
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