Portland Valentine's Day Fun

Whether or not you have a special someone to celebrate Valentine's Day with this year, you can definitely take advantage of the fun brewing around town on this "all things love" holiday. Of course, there are also "anti-Valentine's Day" events happening...for those either single or just not in the spirit. Links for both sides of the coin are below. Yet at the end of the day, there are some great specials, events and chances to win stuff...so get out there and have fun! 

Links to Valentine's Day Special Events

Rather than try to list every single possible event happening in and around PDX on the holiday, I've provided a series of links that will take you to a number of different lists that others have worked hard to compile. The advantage here? Options upon options. As noted, some are very traditional, such as a romantic dinner for two at Doc, whereas others poke fun at the entire concept of celebrating on 2-14. Peruse what I've found and hopefully find a good fit for whatever makes up your likely company on the upcoming day.

PDX Pipeline's List of Valentine's Day Events

Oregon Live's List of Valentine's Fun

Open Table's Recommended Valentine's Day Dinner Spots

Valentine's Day Events via Eventbrite

Portland Spirit's Valentine's Day Cruises

Events12's Take on Valentine's Day and Beyond

PortlandNeighborhood.com's Recommendations by, of course, Neighborhood

  Whatever you get out to do, we at Eye's on Broadway hope you have a truly special time, even if you're onto the anti-Valentine's Day vibe. And if you need some nice new specs to wear when heading out, well, you know where to go!