Visual Challenge #8: Valentine's Day!
Find all (6) pairs of sunglasses hidden in this Valentine’s-themed picture. Remember each pair is the same size (about 1/8” tall and 1/4” wide), but each is a different color, tilted, and slightly transparent. Good luck!
So Valentine’s Day is upon us and it just seemed right to feature a Valentine’s-themed visual challenge. This latest challenge features six pairs of sunglasses hidden in the below Valentine’s scene. Remember, as with all visual challenges, each pair of sunglasses is colored to match the landscape it’s resting on. Each pair is also likely titled and slightly transparent. Enjoy!
Find the six pairs of sunglasses hidden in this Valentine’s Day picture. Remember, each pair of sunglasses is a different color, most likely tilted and slightly transparent. Use the hints below if you need them! Image Courtesy: Dan Meyers
The image got you stumped? Try out some hints for a little riddle-based direction. If you’re really down…click the full solution button. The best time (without hints) here in testing was 46 seconds. Bet you can do better.
See the last Visual Challenge here.