Cookies Forever
So it's that time of year when baking cookies seem just the thing to do. It's freezing outside, you have an oven, you like to eat. And who doesn't just love cookies? Whether it's for a holiday party or just for your own consumption, local brand Bob's Red Mill has delivered the perfect answer to anyone's cookie needs: a cookie recipe from each of the 50 U.S. states. Indeed, Bob's went out to do cookies right by contacting a blogger in each of the 50 states to solicit a recipe special to the area. Thanks Bob's! [su_spacer size="10"]
Surely you've seen Bob's Red Mill products on the store shelf. Right up there with Tillamook Cheese in terms of "coming from the NW but being internationally famous for quality," Bob's Red Mill continues to innovate and bring more and more mill-based items to us. Suffice to say they've got all you need to bake great cookies and far more.
As an extra, visit Bob's headquarters in Milwaukie, Or. for a real treat. With all of their products in one location, a gift shop and a tasty restaurant, this is the ultimate in NW food brand experiences. You will come away with some great cooking items and very likely a full stomach. Also fun to visit across the street is the HQ for Dave's Killer Bread...another great NW brand!